Saturday, June 9, 2012

Personality Development - part - V - Leadership Qualities


  1. A good leader should be good follower , honest , sincere , having a groomed appearance and executive abilities.
  2. He should sense of humour.
  3. Have courage of conviction.
  4. Self confidence
  5. Having capacity to lead the group democratically.
  6. Alertness
  7. Train the body abounding.
  8. Punctual and regular.
  9. Good character.
  10. Technical mastery.
  11. Will power.
  12. Aware of rules & regulations
  13. Patience.
  14. Self control
  15. Time
  16. Properly trained ,educated , psycho up.
  17. Simplicity.
  18. Sensitivity.
  19. Knowledge of group dynamic.

Two leader ship styles have been identified at the opposite side continue of course it is possible for a leader to adopt both styles according to the situation and a captain will do it .
Situational Factors : There are a rage of situational factors which a leader needs to be aware of saluting appropriate style . Research has shown the players in team games look for a captain or coach who is dynamic and directive as well as uses his /her authority to authorize and structure the group . Individuals like athletes prepare the more person oriented approach. This seems to be related to the size of group. The more the team members there are the lay.
Members Characteristics:
This leads to the  third section of models are tend to think of the captain or coaches and leaders influencing the behavior of the Team member. 

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