Saturday, June 9, 2012

Personality Development - part - V - Leadership Qualities


  1. A good leader should be good follower , honest , sincere , having a groomed appearance and executive abilities.
  2. He should sense of humour.
  3. Have courage of conviction.
  4. Self confidence
  5. Having capacity to lead the group democratically.
  6. Alertness
  7. Train the body abounding.
  8. Punctual and regular.
  9. Good character.
  10. Technical mastery.
  11. Will power.
  12. Aware of rules & regulations
  13. Patience.
  14. Self control
  15. Time
  16. Properly trained ,educated , psycho up.
  17. Simplicity.
  18. Sensitivity.
  19. Knowledge of group dynamic.

Two leader ship styles have been identified at the opposite side continue of course it is possible for a leader to adopt both styles according to the situation and a captain will do it .
Situational Factors : There are a rage of situational factors which a leader needs to be aware of saluting appropriate style . Research has shown the players in team games look for a captain or coach who is dynamic and directive as well as uses his /her authority to authorize and structure the group . Individuals like athletes prepare the more person oriented approach. This seems to be related to the size of group. The more the team members there are the lay.
Members Characteristics:
This leads to the  third section of models are tend to think of the captain or coaches and leaders influencing the behavior of the Team member. 

Personality Development - part- IV - Goal Setting and Physical Training

To fulfill our day – today needs of life every one should have his goals
·         Major Goals (life time achievements)
·         Professional Goals
·         Financial Goals
·         Family Goals
·         Society Goals
To set Goal
·         List down all the thoughts (wants / desires) that are coming in your mind , when you are relaxing.
·         Do not have second thought about your wants like whether am I able to achieve it or not
·         List out as many reasons as possible why you want a particular desire.
·         Classify into short, medium, long Term basing on your abilities and ideas.
·         Short term could be 1 day to 1 week
Medium term could be more than a week or month.
Long term could be more than 3 months to 4 years.
·         List the obstacles in fulfilling those wants, which shows way to solutions.
·         Plan and Act

Before setting goal
·         Investigate
·         Frame
·         Succeed
·        No Goals
·        No clearly and specifically defined
·        No reasons why
·        Impatience
·        Unrealistic expectations
·        Fear of change
·        Not written down
·        No commitment
·        No plan
·        No reward system
·        Cant see it
·        No action

When a person is physically fit he will also be fit mentally and psychologically. In order to maintain physical fitness one should perform physical exercises like
Jagging, Yoga, Games & sports Physical exercises , Relief Exercises.
Apart from the above exercises there are exercises to activate the person like

Personality Development - part -III- Brain management and meditation


Brain is the chief operating system of human movement there are four states of Brain
Consious                 OUTER   BETA  21
  1. Consious                 INNER   ALPHA 14
  2. Sub conscious                         THETA  7
  3. UnConsious                            DELTA  4
Always it is best practice to keep the brain in Alpha state
    • Meditative , exercised ,concentrative brain falls in Alpha state.
    • Earning illegal amount, improper behavior, irresponsibility, proudness,harshness,Ego, Jealousy falls in Beta state.
    • People suffering with psychological problems falls in Theta state
    • Discontinuity in brain operating state falls unconscious state.
    • One can reach Alpha state by performing meditation., social service , investigation , hard work ,physical exercises , concentration.
    • Beta state can be reached because of the luxury facilities available, environment, power.
    • Theta state can be reached because of problems with no solution , poor guidance , brain injuries , love failures , other problems
    • Delta state can be reached by accidents.
LEFT BRAIN :         Consious mind
                                    Linear Thinking
                                    Un conscious mind
                                    Emotion , IQ
                                    Lateral thinking
Relaxing the body permits you to release the mind
  • Relaxing the mind slows your brain wave frequency
  • Slowing your brain wave frequency permits the brain right hemisphere to function more accurately
  • Right brain connects the left-brain.

How to make up Sub conscious brain

·         By practice
·         By environment
·         By fear
·         Repeatedly practicing, performing different exercises
·         Staying in Good environment
·         Fear of future
Memory is the ability to recall , recognize , or relearn previously practiced behaviors more rapidly than new behavior. Learning and memory are closely related process by virtue of learning to be remembered material enters storage so that it can be retrained later.

Factors related with memory
                        LONG TERM MEMORY
Sensory storage :  It holds information for only an instant when you see or hear something you are able to hold the input for a fraction of a second in sensory storage unless it enters into short term memory.
Short Term memory : It keeps the information in the mind about twenty seconds . The things you have in your conscious mind at any one movement are being held in short term memory. It is working memory.
Long Term memory : Long term memory stores the information for indefinite period. It is where you store information for future use
Understanding the subject matter :
·         Using Association
·         Using Memories
1       2        3           4         5          6          7          8          9           0                  
JA                 TA     RA      VA  KA      PA       LA      MA     NA        SA    
SHA  DA                 FA   GA      BA                                            ZA
CHA                                                                                              ZHA             
Ben fits of practicing memories
·               Memories has been digested to exercise your RIGHT BRAIN and specially to activate imagination and creativity faculties of Right brain.
·               Mind will be Razor sharp
·               Mind will be like a dry sponge
·               Power of absorption will improve
·               Sequential thinking ability
·               Memory power will improve
·               Absented mind ness will be eliminated.
·               Biological ageing process will slow down.
·               Power of Visualization will improve.

In order to keep the brain always in alpha state one should perform meditation.
How to perform meditation
·         By Peace
·         By thoughts
·         By childhood Re exhumaration
·         Counting numbers , reciting slogans
·         Extending the link of thoughts
·         Recalling childhood experiences
·         Two times in a day is essential.

Personality Development-part-II- HUMAN RELATIONS


Human body is composed of different links and joints. Like that life is a composition of different links In order to hold these links one should maintain proper human relations.

  • Should love the person though he is enemy
  • Remember that a man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in my language
  • Begin with praise and honest appreciation
  • Call attention top peoples mistakes indirectly
  • Talk about your own mistakes before critising the other persons
  • Praise the slightest improvement and praise very important
  • Use encouragement . Make the fault seen easy to correct.
  • Make other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
  • How you face criticism and grow rich
  •  Remember that unjust criticism is often disguised compliment
  • Do very best you can
  • Analyse your own mistakes and criticize yourself
  • Learn to realize at your work
  • Apply the following for good working habbits
  • Clear all the problems of your desk except those relating to the immediate problems
  • Do the things in order of their importance
  • When you have a problem solve it then and there , if you have the necessary faults to make a decision.
  • Learn to organiz , deputise and supervise
  • Put enthusiasm into your work
  • Don’t worry about insomnia

  • Don’t criticize ,condemn ,complain
  • Give honest, sincere appreciation
  • Arouse in the other person an eager want
  • Become genuinely interested in other people
  • Remember that a man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in my language
  • Smile
  • Be a good listener, encourage other to talk about them selves
  • Talk in terms of other man’s interest
  • Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
  • Know the opposite person’s difficulties
  • Always use excuse me , sorry thank you
  • If you are talking some one’s possession get permission.
  • News paper need , If any body is taking food without taking glass then get the glass that person
  • Speak indirectly (QP ) mirror purchase
  • Live in good environment
  • If you are not habituated to take Tea you should take in the group
  • Avod misunderstanding , think with patience (Best hospital)
  • There are officers , brothers who always suppress
  • If some body speaks wrong , donot argue
  • Don’t say vaadu , veedu at the back
  • MANISHE , political portion, religion
  • There is attraction between + ve and – ve to be far one should indulge busily in his activity or perform Meditation
  • If a person tells something say ‘A’ jocks or not from your interest listen and smile adjust your self.
  • Bad wishes – Girl/father/teacher.
  • Buy a train pass
  • Report to concern person only (Driver)
  • Report the things prior (invalid Rupee)
  • If a person is suffering show your compassion
Pretend for other person’s satisfaction  

Personality development -part-I



                    EMOTIONALLY BALENCED
                                      SOCIALLY WELL BEING
                                                          SPIRTUALLY GOOD


Visible in Nature                                   In visible in Nature
* Physical Appearance                                                      * Mental appearance  
* Physical structure of body                                             * Character
* The state of person                                                         *  Good manners
* Hand some personality                                                  *  Self qualities
When a person is physically fit he will also be fit mentally and physically.
DAY SCHEDULE : wake up early in morning press eye balls. (  No superstition like right – left wake) watch good photograph , white light , 
Advantages : Will be active over the day, No laziness, absorption ,understanding capacity will be more Drink 0.5 – 1 lit of normal water fresh up .Warm up. Bath. Study. Swimming ,Jogging, skipping,
Bath – Normal temperature 40-50°C
Break fast – milk compulsory
50 % food
25 % Water
25 % free
Evening : 1- ½ hour play any game whichever you wish. Take bath if you had played hard game
Night: Dinner: At 08.30 Pm .later  ¼ lit milk or curd.
Sleeping time : 09.30 Pm –3.30 Am
After lunch necessary you should have a nap. (30 min)
Bath 2 or 3 times.
SLEEPING DIRECTION:   Head north side –feet south or Head east – feet west.
No matter pillow use or not.
 HEART SHOULD BE UPWARDS. Left leg should hold right hill. +ve  +ve , -ve –ve 50 cm gap.
Should use one lemon per day in lunch or dinner.
Before starting eating taste the salt or curry that generate saliva which helps digestion. Wash hands before you eat but not wipe. Don’t sit with back support while eating. Use only fingers for eating ‘3’ or ‘5’.
Don’t talk much and avoid humorous while eating Don’t be satirical which case ill feelings. See before you drink water.
Do not comment on food.
Do not drink water repeatedly while eating take small marsels and masticate thoroughly.
Do not the wakeup the persons abruptly.
BAD HABBITS: Smoking, drinking, reading while listening to audio , chewing bubble gum , commenting food , Teasing people , critising people eating in bazaar , sleeping while listening to music , frightening ….. All these habits decrease life time.
Avoid narrating fictions or horror stories at bedtime. Clean the bedding three times before sleeping. If you are staying in interior place , these are the things should be kept nearly before going to bed.
Good and bad dreams: Good dreams recite to your friends . Bad dreams forgot, hate do not recall.
Diabetes, Blood pressure, paralysis , Heart diseases , early aging , over weight , indigestion .Do not blow on food stuff.
Do not eat fast .After having food wash hands wipe and gargle.
Do not sleep immediately after dinner .
Not use in drinking or eating in golden or silver vessels .
40 morsels of food = 1 drop of blood
16 drops of  blood  = miniature energy
Always energy must be balanced. Im balance causes unstability.
The loss of miniature energy is being covered by Internal energy in proper channel only
WATER: Flowing water (river or canal) is drinkable (well) usually there will be disorders in health after attending functions (since water is pollute) There will not be any problem with food.
Roti ,bread ,barely ,meat,milk,halwa,butter ,chicken ,honey , fish , cucumber
+ve food                                                                                 - ve food
Bread, idli,                                                                              Banana
10 % Rice + 25% Roti                                                            Mango, curd,
 + 15 curry + 25% water.                                                        Beaf /fork /mutton
Half boiled vegetables                                                                        soft drinks
Grape,orange,watermillon,fish,                                               ice crems,alcohols,swe
Honey,milk, Barely , chicken.                                                 Bakery items.
Energy need for student                     -           2200 cal
For Clerk                                             -           2500 cal
For labour                                            -           3000 cal
For executive                                      -           1800 cal
For super executive                             -           1500 cal
Calories Available in foods
Coffee (150 ml)                      -     28
Tea (150 ml)                            -      17
Egg                                          -    175
Raw onion                               -      50
Orange juice                            -     114
Jilebi ( 50 g)                            -     217
Boiled Rice (250 g)                 -     350
Chapati (50 g)                         -     180
Idli (70 g)                                -     105
Dosa (60 g)                             -     100
Chicken (100 g)                      -      155
Mutton biryani ( 200 g)           -       582
Vegetable pulav (200 g)          -       300
Samosa (40 g)                         -        200
Water melon slice                    -        100        
Cause of Diseases is because of 1. Bacteria 2. Fungus 2. Parasites 4. Virus.
Bed     -   400 cal / 6 hr
Work   - 720 cal /  8 hr
Leisure – 1000 cal /10 hr
                        Cal/Kg/15 min
Jogging       -              1.8
Cycling       -              1.5
Walking      -              0.8
Volley ball  -              0.7
Once in a week , fast
    Once in a forth night Nail cut
          Once in a month  Hair cut
               Once in Six months Stomach filter
                        Once in Year Brain filter       
Food material should be repeated only after 10 days(depends)


One of the secret of success is ability to communicate thoughts effectively. If you cannot talk well , speak freely and express your self adequately you will be seriously handicapped in going up the ladder and reaching the top. Human being alone the animal species have brought to high degree of perfection.
We know that knowledge is power.
  • Ideas rule the world.
  • Express your ideas to others and to the world in a forceful, convincing and clear manner.
  • Influence the people with thoughts , ideas, feelings, and lead.
  • All the greatest personalities are good speakers.
  • It is indispensable for every field of person to communicate in order to face world.
Communication brings every thing. Success/failure construction…..
·         Most of the scientists are punished by the Rulers just because of poor communication.
·         To become good in communication one needs Learning, training and constant practice.
·         You should be warm , friendly ,out going, sympathetic , accommodative , considerate appreciative , ready to talk and listen.
·         You should not irritate the opposite person.
·         Your talk should be purposive.
·         You can improve the power of communication by great amount of practice.
·         How….should be soft enough , should love the person to whom you want to communicate , should not hate , should not hurt , proceed in directly.
      Eg: Calling a person , Krishna one minute
To Senior   - Mohan sir
To Junior   - Ram please come here.
·                                   Be polite even if the work is opposite persons
·                                   Wish and ask his welfare.
·                                   Appreciate Give indirect suggestions with happened examples.
·                                   Always seeks one’s wishes
·                                   Be smiley and polite
·                                   Feel less during communication
·                                   Speak adequate.
·                                   Enter into opposite person heart like child,  co-passenger , ticket issue clerk , elder old man , official ,business man.
·                                   Be articulate Be conceptious.
Eg ( Petrol is there in the scooter)
·         KNOWLEDGE
·         LANGUAGE
·         SHYNESS
·         APSENY
·         FEAR

KNOWLEDGE: Why , what , how , when all these things are to be investigated and then proceed.
LANGUAGE  : Speak the language which is most convenient to you.
To improve the language one has to perform the following operations everyday.
Speaking , reading, listening and writing
SHYNESS:  because of inhibitions of the society, position ,physical situation.
FEAR: If possible let that be, if not let it be.
APSENCY : Lagging concentration , laziness.
To have through communication one need practice . Here are some excersises.
·         To communicate with child
·         To communicate with opposite sex.
·         To communicate with passenger.
·         To communicate with VIP.
·         To communicate with Industrialist.
·         To communicate with religios experts.

Excuse me sir ….. Good morning we are students of engineering. We are undergoing personality Development course . It is a part of our practical work to interview the eminent personalities. Would you please spare few minutes for us sir.

  • Sir may I/we know your functions /duties/responsibilities
  • Since how long you have been working here.
  • How do you feel with your job
  • What are your achievements
  • Do you participated in extra activities
  • How many hours you work for a day
  • Would you suggest something to us in view of society
  • Sir we are sorry to ask did you have any girlfriend in your teen age
  • How did spent your time with your girl friend
  • How was your friendship started
  • How is your girl friend now ? what is she
  • Have you been meeting your girl friend often?
  • If some body comes and asks you to donate rupees for the urgent need what do you say sir
  • Do you believe in God sir, Do you worship ?
  • For how much time a day
  • Do you smoke sir , Do you drink sir , we are sorry sir we are going deep . it is our job to interview
  • Will you please give your autograph sir.
  • How many children have you what are they
  • How did your children come up ., with their own spirit or with your guidance , or with some body’s guidance , or with some body’s guidance like teacher , neighbour, your friend
  • Do you have any life time goal .
  • What are your parents sir,
  • What is the nearest behind your success
  • What are your unforgettable things
  • NOTE : Find out the person’s weakness and ask him Sir why you are looking to be worried today . Do you have any problem Sir
Our  students are undergoing personality development course. It is their schedule to interview the eminent personalities. Please spare a few minutes and co-operate our students . We shall be greatful to you sir


Public speaking is one of the arts for success. Tremendous improvement depends on public speaking . How best we can inspire, How best you can motivate, How can solve the problem .No one is a good public speaker by birh , but one needs practice & experience.
·         Prepare well , to prepare refer different books magazine , consult the experts , discuss with your friends
·         To speak one hour at least 5 hours preparation is necessary
·         As there are different kinds of people like sopft, harsh,honest,sincere,wise you should satisfy all these kinds of people.
         Soft : Seeks plane matter with simple humorous.
         Harsh : Seeks in teasing and troubling
         Sincere : Seeks justify
         Honest : Seeks spiritual
         Wise : Seeks logical matter
·         Make the preparation different paragraphs
·         Condense into the single sentence
·         Still condense it to single words
·         Remember the words ,  practice PRE
·         You should feel that all audience who are sitting before yopu are your subordinates and they don’t know any thing
·         Be confident , feel master , (day – night)
·         Adopt the technique of memory
·         Use the language which is clearly understandable to audience , avoid technical terms
·         Give some practical current example.
·         Maintain your speech at different frequency
·         Don’t worry about audience, criticism
·         Before starting take glass of water, keep your face soft , dress smart , meditate for ten minutes , then recall
·         Greet every body with warm welcome
·         Finally conclude you theme and express your sincere thanks in a polite manner
·         Overcome inferiority complex
·         Build self confidence
·         Improve communication
·         Leading the group
·         Changes your life
·         The chief cause of public speaking is stage fear it is simple that you are un accustomed to speak in public
·         If you cant remember anything be serious and try to recollect
·         Dies reel a poor spokes man.
·         Speech should be audible and articulate
·         Collect the statistics
·         Dramatize your talk by using dialogue
·         Choose the subject which you are most similar
·         Be asking questions to audience
·         Give the examples of your incidents
·         Begin in a friendly way
·         Should develop the rapport with audience